The Branch API Reference documentation is generated from an OpenAPI 3.0.1 specification available in JSON here. This guide will walk you through using a sandbox API key and the corresponding OrgId to try out the endpoints directly within the documentation.

1Pick a language


3Try it!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!



While viewing any Branch endpoint in this reference documentation you can find examples of the code for making API requests, in the code language you have selected. Here for example is the Get Payroll Calendar endpoint entry, showing how you would code a request for this endpoint using Ruby (click to enlarge).

Get Started


To see response examples, click the arrow next to the response listed, as shown, or click to select from a list in cases where there are multiple responses:

Get Started

API keys and authentication

To try out API calls from this documentation:

  • Select the Sandbox as the Base URL
  • Enter the sandbox API key for the org as the apikey header in the Credentials section
  • Enter the OrgId associated with the API key
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