Add a Debit Card


You can provide the ability for workers to have payments made to an existing debit card, instead of the Branch Wallet, by embedding the Branch-customized TabaPay SSO Card Widget. This will let a worker securely input card details, returning a token to access the card data in a PCI-compliant manner.



  1. Ensure security when adding a debit card by having workers log in using Multi-Factor Authentication.
  2. Develop a new endpoint called AddDebitCard for your backend server.
    1. Accept a POST request containing the worker's details (see step 5 for example request).
    2. Forward the worker's details to Branch's Add External Card endpoint.
    3. Save the returned External Card's ID to the company database, to be used for future API calls.

JavaScript Web Implementation

  1. Add HTML to contain the Card Widget iFrame.
<div><iframe id="card-widget"></iframe></div>
  1. Add JavaScript to load the Card Widget into the iFrame.
    1. Production URL:
    2. Sandbox URL:
// The URL below is for the Branch Sandbox, choose the production or sandbox URL accordingly  
var iFrameURL = "";  
document.getElementById("card-widget").src = iFrameURL;
  1. Create a JavaScript function to extract the Card Widget iFrame data upon completion and forward them to your backend server endpoint.
function extractCardWidgetData( event ) {  
  if ( != "Close" ) {  
    if ( 0, 7 ) == "Error: " ) {  
			// Error  
    } else {  
      var asData = "|" );  
      if ( asData.length == 9 ) {  
        // asData[ 0 ] contains the First Name  
        // asData[ 1 ] contains the Last Name  
        // asData[ 2 ] contains the Card BIN+Last4  
        // asData[ 3 ] contains the expiration in YYYYMM format  
        // asData[ 4 ] contains the token  
        // asData[ 5 ] contains the address  
        // asData[ 6 ] contains the city  
        // asData[ 7 ] contains the state 2 char ISO code  
        // asData[ 8 ] contains the zip code
        const firstName = asData[0]; // "John"
        const lastName = asData[1]; // "Larson"
        const cardBinAndLast4 = asData[2]; // "4111111111"
        const expiration = asData[3]; // "202605"
        const token = asData[4]; // "80BLD07rSYbG6u..."
        const address = asData[5]; // "1234 Any Street"
        const city = asData[6]; // "Kalispell"
        const state = asData[7]; // "MT"
        const zipCode = asData[8]; // "59901"

        // Forward the extracted worker details to your backend server endpoint 
        fetch("", {
          method: "POST",
          body: JSON.stringify({
            firstName: firstName, 
            lastName: lastName, 
            cardBinAndLast4: cardBinAndLast4, 
            expiration: expiration, 
            token: token, 
            address: address, 
            city: city, 
            state: state, 
            zipCode: zipCode 
          headers: {
            "Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"

      } else {  
        // Data Error  
  } else {  
    // Close or Cancel  
  1. Use JavaScript to bind the data extraction function to a listener on the Card Widget iFrame completion event.
window.addEventListener( "message", extractCardWidgetData, false );

iOS Swift Implementation

import UIKit
import WebKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // The URL below is for the Branch Sandbox, choose the production or sandbox URL accordingly
    let cardWidgetURL = URL(string: "")!

    lazy var webView: WKWebView = {
        let contentController = WKUserContentController()
        contentController.add(self, name: "ios")

        let jsScript = """
        window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
        }, false);
        let userScript = WKUserScript(source: jsScript, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: false)

        let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        config.userContentController = contentController

        let webView = WKWebView(frame: self.view.bounds, configuration: config)
        webView.load(URLRequest(url: cardWidgetURL))
        return webView

    override func viewDidLoad() {


extension ViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {

    func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
        guard let messageBody = message.body as? String else { return }

        if messageBody == "Close" {
            // Close or cancel
        } else if messageBody.starts(with: "Error: ") {
            // Error
        } else {
            let data = messageBody.split(separator: "|")
            if data.count == 9 {
                let cardData = [
                    "firstName": data[0], // "John"
                    "lastName": data[1], // "Larson"
                    "cardNumber": data[2], // "4111111111"
                    "expiration": data[3], // "202605"
                    "token": data[4], // "80BLD07rSYbG6u..."
                    "address": data[5], // "1234 Any Street"
                    "city": data[6], // "Kalispell"
                    "state": data[7], // "MT"
                    "zipCode": data[8] // "59901"
                // Forward the extracted worker details to your backend server endpoint
            } else {
                // Invalid data format

Android Kotlin Implementation

// The URL below is for the Branch Sandbox, choose the production or sandbox URL accordingly
val cardWidgetUrl = ""

val webView = findViewById<WebView>(

webView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
webView.addJavascriptInterface(AndroidBridgeInterface(), "android")
webView.webViewClient = MyWebViewClient()


class MyWebViewClient : WebViewClient() {
    override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, url: String) {
        super.onPageFinished(view, url)
            "javascript:(function() {" +
                "window.parent.addEventListener ('message', function(event) {" +
                " android.extractCardWidgetData(;});" +

class AndroidBridgeInterface {
    fun extractCardWidgetData(data: String) {
        if (data != "Close") {
            if (data.startsWith("Error: ")) {
                // Error handling
            } else {
                val asData = data.split("|")
                if (asData.size == 9) {
                    val firstName = asData[0]  // "John"
                    val lastName = asData[1]  // "Larson"
                    val cardBinAndLast4 = asData[2]  // "4111111111"
                    val expiration = asData[3]  // "202605"
                    val token = asData[4]  // "80BLD07rSYbG6u..."
                    val address = asData[5]  // "1234 Any Street"
                    val city = asData[6]  // "Kalispell"
                    val state = asData[7]  // "MT"
                    val zipCode = asData[8]  // "59901"

                    // Forward the extracted worker details to your backend server endpoint
                } else {
                    // Data Error
        } else {
            // Close or Cancel

Testing Cards

  • Enter sample card numbers from here to test the functionality of extractCardWidgetData.
  • Card type must be debit for a successful response.
  • Using a CVV of 999 will generate an invalid CVV response.

Example Card Widget iFrame - Sandbox