Onboarding New Workers


Branch Direct Embedded lets your company app or website tightly integrate with Branch infrastructure, using the Branch API and your company UI in harmony for a native payments experience. This bypasses the need for workers to sign up for a Branch Wallet, letting them have payments made directly to an existing debit card.


  1. Ensure security during onboarding by having workers login using Multi-Factor Authentication
  2. Provide the worker links to the Branch Direct terms & privacy policy and record the agreement
    1. Privacy policy: https://www.branchapp.com/legal/privacy
    2. Branch Direct terms: https://www.branchapp.com/legal/direct
    3. The worker should check a box to agree, and this agreement should be stored in your company database
  3. Use the worker details from your company database to add the worker to the Branch Organization Roster with Create Employee
  4. Follow the steps to Add a Debit Card, allowing the worker to link a debit card for receiving disbursements